We would like to thank the following supporters who assist us.
If you would like to be included, please contact the Parish.

Migration Agent
Anabelle Buenavista Havelock (MARA #9253287)
- AB cum laude
- Australian and Phillipine Lawyer
- Offices in Logan Cental and Cebu Phillipines
Phone 0421212062

Success Financial Services
Sa Hein Phan Mortgage Broker - CRN-479203
B.com, Cert IV in Finance and Mortgage Broking, FBAA Member
- Home Loans
- Personal Loans
- Car Loans
- Refinancing
Ph: 0413644168
English, Karen and Burmese Languages available.

Call Jocelyn to make an appointment.
- Christian Therapeutic
- Reflexology
- Healing Massage
- Offices in Loganlea and Flagstone
Phone: 07 56600793 or 0430352639
*Now hiring!
Looking for massage tehrapist, qualified, dedicated and reliable transport.

Tintastic Window Tinting
Automotive - Commerical - Domestic
- Solar Window Film
- Safety Security Tint
- Privacy Glass Frosting
- Remove and Replace
- Mobile Service

Computer Issues? Call Vick
Desktop or Laptop (Windows PC Only)
- Start Ups
- Virus Removal
- Networks
- Peripheral Add Ons
Call Vick on 0490045149
Fixed at a very low and friendly price.
If I cannot fix it, I will point you in the right direction!

Elysian Fields Funerals
Call Anthony Blake-James 1300 359 742
- Over 28 Yers Experience
- Personalised & Tailored Services
- Local Family Owned and Operated
- Repatriation Services Available

St. Vincent de Paul Migration Advice Service
A Free migration Agent/Lawyer is offered on the first Saturday of each month from 10am to 1pm in the meeting room at the Parish.
This is designed for people who cannot afford a typical representative.
Please call 1800 846643 between 6pm and 9pm

Make It Fabrics
Love sewing, but on a budget? See Paola at Shop 4/54 Kingston road Underwood.
- Budget Sewing Matrials
- Laces
- Trims
- Fabrics
- Sewing Machine Repairs
07 31624700

Springwood Glass
Brett - BSA1096140
- Glass Repairs
- Mirrors
- Table Tops
- Sliding Doors
- Security and Shower Screens
- Mirror Robe Doors Supplies and Installed
- Insurance Claims
Call Brett on 0408073082 or 07 32971700