Welcome to St. Pauls Parish Woodridge - Carols are still on at 5.30pm TODAY

Welcome to St. Pauls Parish Woodridge - Carols are still on at 5.30pm TODAY

We gather in the Spirit of Jesus as a welcoming, friendly and caring community of many cultures and backgrounds to live the Gospel relevantly as we respond to the needs of Logan City.

We value wide participation and collaboration of all ages and cultures in community, worship and outreach.

We seek opportunities to grow to a full communion of Christians as we live the Gospel in our daily lives.

We strive to become a more vital Christian community by developing relationships of love justice and peace in our families.

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Parish Calendar

Information and Reminders

  • Mass / Service Times

    Mass / Service Times

    Weekdays : 9:00 am – (The rosary and divine mercy are said before mass) 

    Mass: Monday - Wednesday - Thursday - Friday 9am.

    No Mass Tuesday 

    Mass: Saturday 8am

    Reconcilliation: Saturday 5.15pm to 5.45pm - Or by appointment with Priest.

    Vigil Mass Saturday 6.00pm

    Sunday Mass: 7:30 am and 9:00 am

    Syriac Mass: Every Sunday from 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm.

    First Friday of the month – Trinder Park Mass 1.30pm 

    2nd Thursday of the month – Slacks Creek Aged Care Mass 11am

    Benediction: Every Friday 9.30am to 10.00am

  • Reminders


  • Prayer Group Meetings

    Prayer Group Meetings

    Divine Mercy:  Mondays – 5.30pm to 9.30pm – Church. 

    Marian Cenacle: Wednesdays – 9:30am – Church 

    Confraternity of Our Lady Help of Christians: Fridays – 10am – Meeting Room 

    Adorers of the Eucharist: Every 1st Friday of the month  – 7:30pm – Church 

    Holy Trinity (Charismatic): 2nd Sunday of the Month – 10am –  – Meeting Room 

    Our Lady of Fatima:13th of Each Month – 7pm  

Two Minute Homilies

Useful Links

Archdiocese of Brisbane
Catholic Collective
Couples for Christ
Standards Office
The Catholic Leader
The Vatican